Bijdrager Regionaal Historisch Centrum Eindhoven - RHCe
Jaar: 1956
Locatie 1.:Strijp |622 Het Ven |Zeelsterstraat
Onderwerp.: Calamiteiten |Vliegtuigongevallen |Zeelsterstraat / Bergen op Zoomstraat
Naam: Trevor Blakeborough

We lived in your house when the jet crashed in 1956. Our name is Blakeborough. We were involved in helping your mam's and Henny's terrible burns. You were only very young. but we stayed at no 184 for about 4 years whilst I was in the R.A.F. and were good friends of Lenie's as well. If you are (little) Petra, could you answer this e-mail and may be in contact more fully later. We have a good write up of the crash that was made on that day. Corrine and Trevor.
Naam: Irene

Hi Trevor,
I am Irene, the middle child of the Vos Family. Little Petra, my sister lives in Bergeyk, a small town near Eindhoven, she has 2 sons. I live in Tucson AZ - USA. Henny our other sister lives in Sunnyvale , near San Francisco Ca - USA. Lenie, our cousin passed away ten years ago. She loved visiting me in Sunny Arizona and did so once or twice a year.. Our father passed away at the age of 63, way to young. Our mother lived the to the age of 96 and was in good health her whole life. However did you find this article online?
Naam: Anja Blom-Maassen

Ik heb er nog lang nachtmerries van gehad. En heb jaren angst van vliegen gehad.
Toen het vliegtuig neerstortte was ik 5 jaar. Van de schrik liep ik in plaats van het vliegtuig af naar het vliegtuig toe en kreeg een brandend stuk voor mijn voeten. Als ik in Strijp kom gaan nog de rillingen door mijn lichaam.